Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Space Shuttle to Return--No Killshot This Time Ed Dames!

It looks as if the space shuttle Endeavor will soon be making its trek home as it has now undocked from the International Space Station. This is good news for human beings and planet earth. If you read my earlier blog regarding the Killshot predicted by Ed Dames, you know that an early return of the shuttle brought on by a meteor shower is what he believes to be "THE SIGN" to watch for just before the sun unleashes a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that will heat the atmosphere on earth to levels that make life difficult to sustain. In short, this is an E.L.E. or Extinction Level Event (see the movie Deep Impact). Endeavor is set to return on July 31, 2009. This still leaves two days for potential meteor showers, but it seems less likely at this point. Don't breathe too much of a sigh of relief though. Space Shuttle Discover launches on August 18!