Thursday, July 23, 2009

Secret U.S. and Israeli Meeting Spells Doom for Iran

That Israel is planning to attack Iran in the near future is a reality that most people are either aware of or are choosing to ignore at this point. But amidst all of the Israeli preparations there is another story emerging that is closely related to Israel's preparations. According to Ria Novosti, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is planning to visit Tel Aviv within the next two weeks to discuss a whole range of international issues, including Tehran’s nuclear case, in secret meetings with the Netanyahu government. This was reported last Friday.

Ongoing Israeli preparations have gone casually under the radar as of late, but for those of you who read this blog, you know that this is an ongoing development that has not yet reached its culmination. You need not be a prophet or psychic to see what is about to occur. The real trick is in seeing what the outcome will be and what the impact will be on the rest of the world scene.

While one could argue that Israel is simply flexing its muscles in order to keep Iran at bay, we need to consider an anonymous statement in the Times by a prominent Israeli official who indicated that this seemingly slow dance around actual armed conflict on the part of Israel is nothing more than Israel investing time in what will ultimately prove to be a very complex military manuever. It has been clear since February that Netanyahu has been moving Isreal closer to the inevitable preemptive strike against Iran. This preparation has taken place amidst an unclear picture painted by the U.S. White House as to where America stands in this emerging scenario. Vice-president Joe Biden has indicated that the U.S. will not stand in the way of the sovereign nation of Israel should it decide to take out Iran's nuclear facilities while President Obama has retracted Biden's statement somewhat by clearly indicating his opposition to armed conflict.

Which way will the tide turn? It is difficult to say, but I think it safe to assume that as the Muslim and Jewish worlds continue to collide, either Israel or or its neighbors will seek justification for some type of preemptive attack in the name of national security.