Thursday, August 6, 2009

Swine Flu Pandemic to Bring Martial Law This Fall

So have you had Swine Flu symptoms yet? No? Big surprise! The swine flu scare that enveloped the country has had little to no basis in reality this past year. And yet, it is quite amazing that the story has lingered in the press up until now. Could it be that the puppetmasters pulling the strings are getting ready to hit us with another dose of the "P" word? PANDEMIC! We've heard the word used repeatedly in relation to the swine flu and the need for swine flu vaccinations and yet the H1N1 virus has proved to be less destructive than traditional flu strains which kill thousands each year. Why is it then that an International Swine Flu Conference is going to be held in Washington, D.C., from August 19-21? One the conference's website one can actually go and look at the brochure containing the conference agenda: CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE WEBSITE

Much of the groundwork for responding to the Swine Flu pandemic was laid in the avian flu outbreak scare a few years ago. Note this yahoo news story from May, 2007:

The US military has begun to plan for a possible avian flu pandemic that could kill as many as three million people in the United States in as little as six weeks, a Pentagon planning document said.

The Defense Department's "Implementation Plan for Pandemic Influenza," which was posted Wednesday on a Pentagon website, lays out guidelines and planning assumptions for US military services and combatant commands.

Possible scenarios include US troops being called in to put down riots, guard pharmaceutical plants and shipments, and help restrict the movement of people inside the country and across its borders.

The plan envisions fast moving, catastrophic waves of disease that would overwhelm health facilities and cripple the ability of state and local authorities to provide even basic commodities or services.

"A pandemic in the United States could result in 20-35 percent of the population becoming ill, three percent being hospitalized, and a fatality rate of one percent," the document said in a section on "planning assumptions."

A human-to-human outbreak of avian flu was most likely to occur outside the United States and may not be contained effectively, it said.

"A pandemic outbreak will last between 6-12 weeks and multiple pandemic waves will follow," it said.

If a pandemic influenza starts outside the United States, it will enter the US at multiple locations and spread quickly to other parts of the country, according to the report.

A vaccine for the specific strain of flu would not be available for distribution for a minimum of six to nine months after a human-to-human outbreak had been clinically confirmed, it said.

Transportation within states or internationally will be restricted to contain the spread of the virus, and communities may voluntarily close schools and limit public gatherings.

"Quarantine and other movement restrictions, especially if the restrictions are involuntary, will have minimal effect on the spread of the disease due to a very short incubation period and the ability of asymptomatic individuals to shed the virus," the document said.

"Military and civilian medical treatment facilities will be overwhelmed," it said.

It said the military will be called on to evacuate non-infected people from areas abroad that are having problems, and to help allies.

But the guidance said the US military's top priority would be to preserve the operational effectiveness of the Defense Department and its forces around the world.

Additionally, the Defense Department will develop a plan to ensure the continuity of operations of the US government and be prepared to support civilian authorities with medical supplies, airlift and security forces.

A key military role will be to distribute medical supplies and medications and provide security for the production and shipment of vaccines on orders of the president.

"When directed by the president, DoD will provide support to civil authorities in the event of a civil disturbance," the document said. "DoD will augment civilian law enforcement efforts to restore and maintain order in accordance with existing statutes."

The military also may assist civil authorities in "isolating and/or quarantining groups of people in order to minimize the spread of disease during an influenza pandemic," it said. (End Story)

What is the purpose in causing such an unwarranted scare? It may be that the globalists are finally making their move to institute martial law and subdue the population. The threat of a pandemic would be the perfect occasion for the implementation of martial law and a clamp down on the population of the world. We noted in earlier blogs that forced vaccinations are likely--the U.S. has purchased 135 million doses of the vaccine. It is believed by many that the member nations of the WHO will use this opportunity to finally institute world population control and perhaps introduce depopulation, not through a swine flu pandemic, but through mass murder brought on by what is contained in the virus. Again, we've noted elsewhere that there are indications that this vaccine is not safe. As noted on "Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), pointed out that legislation passed in the wake of 9-11 allows experimental vaccines to be tested on Americans without liability, in the event of a "public health emergency." And now with the advent of Swine Flu, the US government may be planning forced inoculations in schools this fall. She noted that "adjuvants" added to vaccines to make them more potent can cause problems for certain people. Fisher and Falkov advised people to educate themselves on vaccine risks and specific public health laws in their state." When you put all of this together with the web bot predictions, you end up with the foundation for a pretty horrific scenario that may play itself out this fall....stay tuned.