Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jersey Devil Has Rival in Florida

NBC Channel 2 in the North Port Florida area is reporting that a creature now known as the North Port Devil has been purportedly wandering the woods in the local area. Michael Rowley and his son Shane, 16, have reported several encounters over the last several months since they moved into the area. Shane has indicated that this "extra-terrestrial" being has been seen at or through his bedroom window late at night. Michael has admitted that he has seen the creature fly.

The story has gained the attention of the investigative organization MUFON, or Mutual UFO Network, which has issued the following report regarding the case: CLICK HERE FOR THE REPORT

Rowley has also put together his own website:

I had to report this story here because it immediately conjured up memories of the X-Files episode where Mulder investigated the Jersey Devil. Sometimes these stories prove to be as fascinating as any UFO or Ghost Story.