Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Return of Planet X?

If you've been paying attention to your own intuition or perhaps to what Hollywood has been telling us for the last fifteen years or so, you might be concerned. You might be really concerned if you turned on the news one day and there was a NASA official or some astronomer being interviewed about an interstellar object or piece of debris heading toward the planet. It would be like Will Smith's character in "Independence Day" who woke up oblivious to the fact that there was a giant spacecraft hovering over his hometown and then, WHACK! Like a brick in the face it would hit you that the end was near, very near. Now this might sound like the stuff of science fiction or simply good material for a Hollywood movie, but there does seem to be some evidence that things are a bit out of whack on earth and in our solar system and this may be due to some type of interference or disturbance by an interplanetary object of massive proportions.

I recently picked up a copy of Jayson Rand's work on the return of Wormwood. Wormwood is the "star" mentioned in the book of Revelation that supposedly strikes the earth wiping out a significant portion of the population because of the way that it poisons the earth's waters. This almost sounds like something radioactive in nature, possibly a nuclear blast rather than space debris. There are those, however, like Rand who see this as the inevitable return of Planet X or what Zechariah Sitchin referred to as the Twelfth Planet (so-named because of the Sumerians and their tendency to count the Sun and the Moon as planets also). It is believed that this planet may be a brown dwarf star, part of a binary star system with our sun, whose path takes it through our solar system once every 3600 years. According to the calculations of many, this would have made its last pass sometime in the era of the Biblical Exodus and make its current arrival time SOON. Rand contends that the best research shows that it will make its first path possibly around September, 2009 before making its way into deep space and then making its second pass in December 2012. It may be that Rand has worked his way backwards from the December 2012 date using the Mayan Calendar as the basis for his intitial conclusions.

I'll not be spending time analyizing the validity of Rand's or anyone else's approach at this time. What I would like to briefly make note of is the fact that we are constantly bombarded with news of Near Earth Objects barely missing the earth and with movies and shows on T.V. that seem preoccupied with this subject. I have said elsewhere that this may simply be a way of desensitizing us to the reality that we will all soon be dead or fighting to survive in a vastly different and almost post-apocalyptic type of world. Evidence suggests that human civilization has come and gone many times throughout the past and that when it disappeared, it did so quickly. This may indicate that certain catastrophes precipitated its demise. I will be exploring this topic in future articles, but for now, I simply want to note that we are not being told about what is going on or what is coming--perhaps for good reason. NASA and the rest of the world of Astronomy (along with the world's governments) are likely afraid that such news would send the world into a state of shock and chaos and that we would one day wake up to find that proverbial saucer in the sky, only this time in the form of a brown dwarf star whose gravitational pull would spell the end of life as we traditionally know for human beings.