All eyes on the skies fellow stargazers and UFO enthusiasts. You've seen me write this before and now that phrase has taken on a little more serious meaning given NASA's most recently announced project. NASA is now moving out into cyberspace in much the same way that the SETI project did several years ago. SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is a government sponsored organization that primarily exists for the purpose of searching out intelligent life in the known universe. Several years back SETI set up a website where subscribers could go and help with the search. One's home computer basically became a monitor for the search for non-earthly life.
NASA is now getting into the watch the skies from home game. Using either RSS feeds or twitter accounts, subscribers can now receive updates from NASA regarding any near Earth objects which may have the potential to collide with rock number three from the sun. The NASA site is aptly named "Asteroid Watch": There is much more to this site than the feeds that bring news about these Near Earth Objects. In fact, the site provides a wealth of information on the subject of asteroids, comets, and space debris that may have affected planet earth or the rest of the solar system in times past.
What is odd to me, but not surprising, is the amount of publicity these stellar objects are receiving lately. If anyone recently caught the two week mini mini series "Meteor", they'll know what I'm talking about here. It seems as if objects striking the earth is becoming a commonplace thought that people must deal with on an almost daily basis. Every week there is this story or that story about how another object recently missed Earth by several hundred thousand miles and was not even seen until it passed by. I wonder if the boys and girls at NASA are trying to tell us something in a very subtle yet forthright manner. There are, of course, many of us out there who already believe that something of this nature is already known about and expected. Zecharia Sitchin's insistence that Niburu returns every 3600 years or so has been the source of great debate among all those involved in the Near Earth Object discussion. Eerily similar is Ed Dames' prediction of the killshot which is precipitated by the passage of a large object through the solar system. If, in fact, our solar system is like many of the others out there, then this remains a real possibility. Most known solar systems are binary star systems. Some believe ours to be one as well, speculating that the sun's counterpart is a brown dwarf that passes through our system every 3600-4000 years. An object of this size would have tremendous gravitational pull and might bring with it considerable debris from comets and/or meteor fields, some of which might strike the earth.
Only time will tell whether or not the NASA's site has an ulterior motive of desensitizing us to the possibility of collisions with earth, but what is certain is the oddness of such a site at this time. Even the Vatican has gotten in on the skywatching business by building one of the most advanced observatories in the world. Does the Pope also know something we don't? We definitely need to start taking heed of the warning signs all around us. Preparation is key. In future postings, I will be posting information on survival techniques and strategies for preparing for the worst. Whether it be an asteroid strike or nuclear war, we need to be somewhat prepared. Stay tuned for these tips.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
NASA Puts out A.P.B. on Incoming Asteroid
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Swine Flu Vaccine Unsafe
Just in case you were considering giving in to government demands and getting a vaccination for the swine flu this fall, I thought I'd post this story so that you can have a much more accurate picture of what you might be getting yourself into. Apparently pharmaceutical companies have been granted legal immunity by the World Health Organization in the event of a stage six pandemic. What this means to you is that these companies are now immune from much of the normal testing and legal compliance that typically regulates the industry. Using a state of worldwide emergency, the WHO is reportedly allowing not only the bypassing of certain legal restrictions in administering the vaccines, but is also being allowed to use expired stockpiles of Tamiflu and Relenza. As Harold Gray is reporting, "The new stock of vaccines the governments purchased, has been fast tracked for approval by the FDA. Health officials admit that the clinical tests are about dosage amounts, and not safety. So the new vaccines being approved for the fall campaign, have the potential to cause severe harm or death, due to the lack of safety tests." (
If these stories are true, we may be in for a global pandemic of a different type by the end of 2009, one that is man-made and government supported. It could be that the forces in power are now moving more swiftly to established their New World Order before the masses can wake up and smell the proverbial coffee. Don't be one those sheep that finds itself in the slaughterhouse. Keep reading this blog to stay informed.
Cheerio and keep your eyes to the skies. The Truth IS out there.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 11:18 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
World Health Organization Expects 2 Billion People to Contract Swine Flu
You might read the headline above and wonder why in the world I am covering the swine flu on a paranormal website. Well let me put your mind at ease: This one falls under the realm of conspiracy theory--perhaps the mother of all conspiracy theories. While only 800 people have actually died from the contraction of H1N1, or the swine flu, the story just won't seem to go away. Don't you find that a bit odd? I know I do. During the 1970s, an outbreak of the swine flu precipitated the vaccinations of thousands of people which actually killed more people than the actual influenza strain itself. So why then do we all of a sudden need a worldwide vaccination effort on such a grand scale? Well, the answer may be more simple and more sinister than you could have possibly imagined. THEY WANT YOU DEAD. There you have it. If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll know that there is a growing sinister plot that clearly indicates a desire by the elites to reduce the world's population.
This pandemic, false though it may currently be, may be just the excuse for them to do this. There are indications that this so-called swine flu is a man-made phenomena. Let's hope this is not actually true, but I'm starting to see the plot unfold before me every night when I sleep. By the end of the year we could a nuclear attack by Israel on Iran, a worldwide pandemic that may take the lives of millions, forced vaccinations that may inflate these numbers, the final devastating collapse of the world economy, and need I go on?
For more on the upcoming flu pandemic, see Alex Jones' website. The story is located here:
Keep in mind that I in NO WAY endorse Jones or his views, or the views of any that post on his site. I find he and his followers to be full of rage and their vitriolic comments to be detestable and, in many cases, antisemitic and racially biased. Nonetheless, the website is a good source of conspiracy theory information and a decent barometer of the anti-establishment voice. You can take from it grains and kernels of truth as with any news source. Furthermore, I think that the commercialized appearance of the site makes clear that Jones has a vested economic interest in promoting chaos and degradation. I too have attempted to monetize my blog as any good blogger or webmaster would do, but I think once you visit Alex's site, you'll see the difference in what I am talking about.
Cheerio and keep your eyes to skies.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Space Shuttle to Return--No Killshot This Time Ed Dames!
It looks as if the space shuttle Endeavor will soon be making its trek home as it has now undocked from the International Space Station. This is good news for human beings and planet earth. If you read my earlier blog regarding the Killshot predicted by Ed Dames, you know that an early return of the shuttle brought on by a meteor shower is what he believes to be "THE SIGN" to watch for just before the sun unleashes a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that will heat the atmosphere on earth to levels that make life difficult to sustain. In short, this is an E.L.E. or Extinction Level Event (see the movie Deep Impact). Endeavor is set to return on July 31, 2009. This still leaves two days for potential meteor showers, but it seems less likely at this point. Don't breathe too much of a sigh of relief though. Space Shuttle Discover launches on August 18!
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Is the moon actually a space ship or station?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much controversy surrounding the moon? There are some that say we've never been--it's an obvious hoax. That it was a hoax is not so easy to establish, however, as more rational minded folk will definitely tell you. Others are asking the more important question of why we've never been back. Did we see something while we were there the first time that makes us not want to go back? Maybe there was a warning given telling us to stay away. The answer is unclear. As N. Huntley has noted, "The first academic enigma must surely be that the Moon is apparently in its wrong orbit for its size. However, this would presumably be based on its assumed density. Technical reports claim a density of 3.3 for the Moon compared with 5.5 for Earth. Astronomy data indicates that the internal regions of the Moon are less dense than the outer, giving rise to the inevitable but outrageous speculation that it could be hollow." Read more of Dr. Huntley's speculations here: (
In the end, the question still remains what purpose the moon actually serves, if any. Why is there a continual dark side that we never get to see? Why does it make a ringing sound when struck by meteorites (indicative of its hollowness). What of all the folk stories that indicated extra-terrestrial life may be found there. Whatever may be said, I guess it remains and will remain a mystery.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Swine Flu Soon to Kill Millions--U.S. and other governments responsible
You do know don't you that the governments of the world have been conspiring to kill off millions upon millions of people in the upcoming year? If you didn't know, then you need to take heed because this may be the mother of all conspiracy theories. Your life and the lives of those you love may well be at risk. Isn't it odd that the swine flu story seems to die down and then pop up again ever so conveniently? Here is what Kurt Nimmo recently reported in his findings:
On March 25, Shepard Ambellas, reporting for Infowars, documented preparation of mass graves at the Department of Veterans Affairs Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona.
A UK Home Office cabinet committee brought up the specter of the Great Plague and burial pits used during the seventeenth century. | |
Ambellas’s story followed a harrowing report by D. H. Williams of the Daily Newscaster in February. Williams reported on revelations of an Indiana county municipal official in the vicinity of Chicago who detailed FEMA and DHS discussions with county officials about the prospect of mass graves and a mass vaccination program.
On March 28, we reported on a large expansion of graves at the Houston National Cemetery in Texas.
Aaron Dykes, reporting for The Jones Report on April 3, detailed how the State of New York Division of Cemeteries sent out “Mass Fatality forms” to cemeteries in that state to collect data about their ability to deal with the high volume of casualties that would occur if their were a flu pandemic or other disaster. “Should a prolonged mass fatality disaster or pandemic flu occur in your community would your cemetery be able to provide temporary or permanent internment space for a significant number of disaster or flu deaths in additional to your current burial services?” the form stated.
In response to the mass grave stories posted on the Infowars and Prison Planet websites, Larry Scott, a self-described Veterans Administration critic, went on the Thom Hart radio program in late March and characterized the stories as “rumor-mongering.” According to Scott, the expansion of graves around in Phoenix was part of a standard upgrade intended to accommodate a record number of veteran deaths. Larry Scott put the number at an astounding 700,000 per year. Other critics have also characterized the stories as preposterous.
And yet, according to an AFP news item, governments are indeed planning for mass graves in response to a flu pandemic. In Exter, England, the city council recently moved to use underground burial chambers, currently a tourist attraction, to store the corpses of swine flu victims if the pandemic worsens. “A council spokesman said the plan could be put into operation if the cemeteries and the crematorium could not keep up with funeral demands.”
Furthermore, this video indicates the possibility that this is a man made virus:
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Villagers Tormented by Mysterious Beasts
ONGWEDIVA – Unknown creatures that reportedly devour and suck blood from livestock are haunting villagers at Onheleiwa, Oidiva and Oikango of Ongwediva constituency.
Over 20 goats have been killed at Onheleiwa and Oidiva villages and an unknown number at Oikango, where the situation is said to be worse.
Villagers are convinced that the creatures have something to do with witchcraft. They are now accusing an elderly man who has a house at Onheleiwa village and his sister who has a house at Oikango village of being the owners of these strange, blood-sucking beasts.
Oshana Police spokesperson, Christina Fonsech, said the police were called at Onheleiwa last week where they followed the creatures’ footprints.
According to her, the creatures’ footprints are bigger than a dog’s footprints, and police could not identify the creatures.
“We followed them but they walked until a spot where they just vanished. It’s difficult to explain what happened to those footprints because they looked as if they climbed onto something but it was in an open space, so we don’t know what happened,” she said.
Olivia Shikongo had her whole kraal wiped out by the creatures, leaving her with only two kid goats.
According to Shikongo, on July 3 five of her goats were eaten up. All that was left were traces of hooves and heads of some of the goats, while other goats had their stomachs cut open and had no intestines or liver.
“Last Wednesday they came to the kraal again. When I heard the goats making noise, I started to scream. It seems that they could no longer kill the goat that they had bitten so they left. When we went to the kraal in the morning, there were only three goats. One goat, which is the bigger one, was fighting for its life. There was no trace of five other goats that were also at the kraal the previous night,” she explain
According to her, when she and other villagers looked around all they could find were the footprints of the unknown creatures while her five goats seemed to have disappeared into thin air.
Shikongo lost a total of 11 goats in two nights.
“I’m only left with two small goats that we now lock up inside a room in the house,” she said.
Another villager who also lost a goat said he saw the creatures when he ran to the kraal after he heard his animals making noise.
According to him, he found four animals at the kraal but when they saw him, they ran away.
The villagers that claim to have seen the unknown creatures, said they look like tigers. Although the community members are also scared for their lives, they said they understand that the animals do not attack human beings.
“If you find them at night, they just sit still on the side of the path and wait for you to pass by,” said another villager.
Original story:
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Launching of a New Paranormal Research Society
As my readers know, this blog is primarily devoted to things outside the mainstream. Up until now, most of the posts have dealt with conspiracy theories, apocalyptic scenarios, and geopolitics. It is my intention to still cover these topics because it is important to know what is going on behind the scenes so that we can be ready for what is to come in the future, even if we can't know what that is with any degree of real certainty. While we speculate, we will continue to build our library of stories, news, and research into the paranormal realm.
Currently I am looking for funding to start a new paranormal research society or paranormal research group which will go out and actively seek to conduct paranormal investigations whenever and wherever paranormal phenomena are to be found. Thanks to the popularity of shows like Paranormal State, the paranormal is moving into the mainstream. Other shows like Ghosts Hunters are now among the most popular video chronicles of paranormal investigators going out to investigate paranormal activities and hopefully gain video and picture evidence of hauntings, poltergeists and the like. Many of these groups use specialized paranormal investigation equipment that is supposed to detect the presence of paranormal activity. As is the case with the Penn State paranormal research team, sometimes paranormal research and defense against entities encountered in such research also becomes necessary. This site will now begin to move in the direction of these shows in helping to broaden our understanding of the non-material world.
As a result of this new focus (it's not really new; I have intended this all along, but have felt compelled to focus on current events due to the dire state of our world and political scene), I will now be looking to network with other paranormal research groups and teams whether they be ghost hunters, psychics and futurists, or simply those who have an interest in such things. My desire is to obtain the necessary funding to purchase the necessary paranormal research equipment in order to begin investiations of ghosts, poltergeists, shadow people, orbs, haunted places, and so forth. Because I have another job and am not financially independent enough to commit to this full-time, I will ask you to be patient until the full transition can take place. I will be seeking out government grants, small business loans, and possibly interested benefactors who wish to further this field. My qualifications for leading such an organization, I think, speak for themselves, but I should list them here so that random readers will know that I am not a random whacko posting in cyberspace with no real investigative knowledge or no background to run the paranormal research society as a business:
I currently work in the financial sector but also continue to teach part-time as a college professor as I have done for the last eight years. I currently hold a bachelor's degree in history and a minor in religious studies, so I am no stranger to research. Furthermore, I have a Master's Degree in the area of religion as well. I am currently just shy of a Ph.D. in history but have put that on hold due to other familial and financial obligations. I have won a number of awards for my scholaship and have taught history, religion, and philosophy for the last eight years. Now that I've "tooted my own horn", let me move on to a brief plea to all readers. If anyone has a story they'd like to contribute, knows of possible funding sources, or wants to put me in contact with other like-minded individuals or groups, you should email me at:
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 8:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Secret U.S. and Israeli Meeting Spells Doom for Iran
That Israel is planning to attack Iran in the near future is a reality that most people are either aware of or are choosing to ignore at this point. But amidst all of the Israeli preparations there is another story emerging that is closely related to Israel's preparations. According to Ria Novosti, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is planning to visit Tel Aviv within the next two weeks to discuss a whole range of international issues, including Tehran’s nuclear case, in secret meetings with the Netanyahu government. This was reported last Friday.
Ongoing Israeli preparations have gone casually under the radar as of late, but for those of you who read this blog, you know that this is an ongoing development that has not yet reached its culmination. You need not be a prophet or psychic to see what is about to occur. The real trick is in seeing what the outcome will be and what the impact will be on the rest of the world scene.
While one could argue that Israel is simply flexing its muscles in order to keep Iran at bay, we need to consider an anonymous statement in the Times by a prominent Israeli official who indicated that this seemingly slow dance around actual armed conflict on the part of Israel is nothing more than Israel investing time in what will ultimately prove to be a very complex military manuever. It has been clear since February that Netanyahu has been moving Isreal closer to the inevitable preemptive strike against Iran. This preparation has taken place amidst an unclear picture painted by the U.S. White House as to where America stands in this emerging scenario. Vice-president Joe Biden has indicated that the U.S. will not stand in the way of the sovereign nation of Israel should it decide to take out Iran's nuclear facilities while President Obama has retracted Biden's statement somewhat by clearly indicating his opposition to armed conflict.
Which way will the tide turn? It is difficult to say, but I think it safe to assume that as the Muslim and Jewish worlds continue to collide, either Israel or or its neighbors will seek justification for some type of preemptive attack in the name of national security.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Dire Web Bot Predictions
George Ure and "Clif" were on Coasttocoastam last night and had several very negative predictions based on their web bot technology. If you've never heard of this, they've figured out a way to crawl or spider internet sites all across the web and analyze the language of what people are saying. They believe that this language reveals something about the subconscious mind of all of humanity which knows the future on some level. It is really fascinating stuff and they have been right on some but not all predictions in the past. Here are there newest predictions:
# A big crisis is kicked off on October 25, 2009. It could be that Israel bombs Iran, or that Swine Flu goes into a level of extreme lethality. 10 days later, in relation to this crisis, the Obama administration will be thrown into chaos.
# When Israel bombs Iran, they'll use a nuclear-tipped bunker buster that will hit something unforeseen underground. As a result, a radioactive cloud will form that will pollute and sicken Southeast Asia. This will cause much of the world to turn against Israel.
# The "Death of the Dollar" will be a continuing trend, with a hyper inflationary period in 2010, and banking crises/confidence losses that will begin in August 2009 and escalate by November 2009.
# "Global Coastal Phenomena" will be gradual, yet by March/April 2011 the situation could be disturbing for many people. Unusual movements of the Moon brought on by anomalies in the magnetosphere could cause coastal disruptions.
# The magnetosphere problems could lead to ultraviolet scorching of food crops. Grain crops will fail, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, leading to food riots in the winter of 2010/spring of 2011. Specifically, they'll be riots in Rome that will spill over into the Vatican.
# In South America, they'll be large or mass sightings of UFO-related phenomena. In the summer of 2010, a video crew will interview an escapee from an internment facility. The young bald man will later be revealed to be a "non-Terran" human.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 7:39 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Israel and U.S. Plan for Catastrophic Death Toll in Attack on Iran
In a hare-brained nightmare scenario dreamed up by the Center for Strategic and International Studies — home-base for neocon crackpots such as Michael Ledeen and war criminals of Madeleine Albright’s caliber — Iran manages to produce a nuclear weapon and drops it on Israel, ultimately killing 800,000 people. “Retaliatory Israeli nuclear strikes, with higher-yield bombs and accurate rocket delivery systems, would be far more destructive,” writes Peter Goodspeed for the National Post. “A full-fledged Israeli nuclear response, using some, but not all, of its 200 nuclear weapons, would target most major Iranian cities and major military bases. It would kill 16 million to 28 million people within three weeks.”
featured stories Globalist Think Tank Trots Out Iran Attack Scenario
featured stories Globalist Think Tank Trots Out Iran Attack Scenario
Fallout From Nuclear Attack on Natanz and Isfahan. With scale showing levels of radiation exposure. Over a few days, exposure at greater than 10 rems per hour will cause death, and at 1 rem per hour exposures lead to radiation sickness.
It is estimated Israel has around 400 nuclear weapons. As Israeli arms technician Mordecai Vanunu revealed in 1986, the Israelis have produced 100 to 200 advanced fission bombs and have mastered a thermonuclear design. In 1986, it appeared to have a number of thermonuclear bombs ready for use. According to the Institute for Defense Analyses, Israel’s facilities at Soreq and Dimona have the same mission as the Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National Laboratories in the United States. More than twenty years ago, Israel was developing the computer “codes which will enable them to make hydrogen bombs.”
Meanwhile, Iran is not up to speed, never mind the scary science fiction story weaved by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Iran did manage to enrich a small amount of uranium using a cascade of 164 centrifuges that spin uranium hexafluoride gas at supersonic speed. The enriched uranium that Iran produced cannot be used in a nuclear weapon because it contains just 3.5% U-235, whereas a nuclear weapon typically requires highly-enriched uranium that contains more than 90% U-235.
Never mind highly-enriched uranium – Iran has problems with low-enriched uranium. Earlier this year, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that Iran had badly underestimated previous assessments of how much low-enriched material it had produced. The IAEA stressed that technical constraints and equipment inefficiencies would prevent Iran from further refining the low-enriched uranium into an adequate supply of weapon-grade material.
However, this has not stopped Israel and the neocons from hysterically claiming Iran has “enough enriched uranium fissionable material to manufacture at least one or two atom bombs of the Hiroshima type,” as Uri Dan wrote for the Jerusalem Post in early 2006. If it didn’t have the nuclear material for a couple crude bombs, “Iranian President Ahmadinejad would not have dared come out with his declaration that Israel should be wiped off the map,” claims Rafi Eitan, key architect of Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the Mossad (the operative motto for Mossad is: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war,” according to Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent).
As it turns out, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not call for Israel to be “wiped off the map,” as Eitan, the neocons, and most of the corporate media (most notably the New York Times) repeatedly and dishonestly claim. Ahmadinejad’s speech was deliberately mistranslated by MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, a Mossad front masquerading as a news service. “Starting with Juan Cole, and going via the New York Times’ experts through MEMRI to the BBC’s monitors, the consensus is that Ahmadinejad did not talk about any maps,” Jonathan Steele wrote for the Guardian in June, 2006. Ahmadinejad did not talk attacking Israel. He made a vague wish for the end of political Zionism — which is, of course, for some the same as attacking Israel with a nuclear bomb.
The ludicrous Center for Strategic and International Studies report — coauthored by the former director of intelligence assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Anthony Cordesman — has appeared in the wake of the dismal failure by Israeli and U.S. intelligence to sabotage the Iranian elections and foment a “color revolution.” It is also designed to coincide with Israel’s provocative Red Sea military exercises that are a rehearsal for an attack on Iran. “Defense experts in Israel said … that the naval activity had been publicized with the intent of sending a message to Iran,” the Telegraph reported last week.
In the real world, the only nuclear threat in the Middle East is the one posed by Israel. If Israel follows through on its threat — increasingly likely with the passing of each week — to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, the result will be catastrophic. In the aftermath of an attack, “huge amounts of radioactive material will be lofted into the air to contaminate the people of Iran and surrounding countries,” explains Dr. Helen Caldicott, who consulted with an eminent international authority on nuclear weapons. “This fallout will induce cancers, leukemia, and genetic disease in these populations for years to come, both a medical catastrophe and a war crime of immense proportions,” she writes in her book, “Nuclear Power Is Not The Answer,” published in 2007. She cites the example of Chernobyl.
Finally, as analysts note, conventional weapons will not be effective against Iran’s underground nuclear materials storage site and uranium conversion plant at Isfahan and the underground uranium enrichment plant at Natanz. “Iranian officials have acknowledged the Isfahan facility is specifically designed to be impervious to conventional attack, making it a prime nuclear target. The Natanz plant is buried between 18 and 23 meters below the surface, making it a difficult target for conventional attack. For this scenario, we modeled attacks, each with three B61-11 earth-penetrating nuclear weapons set to explode with a yield of 340kt. Meteorological models in the HPAC were used to determine the distribution pattern of fallout,” write Physicians for Social Responsibility.
“From our map [above] we can see that within 48 hours, fallout would cover much of Iran, most of Afghanistan and spread on into Pakistan and India. Fallout from the use of a burrowing weapon such as the B61-11 would be worse than from a surface or airburst weapon, due to the extra radioactive dust and debris ejected from the blast site. In the immediate area of the two attacks, our calculations show that within 48 hours, an estimated 2.6 million people would die.” In the wider area, over 10.5 million people would be exposed to significant radiation from fallout. “In the immense fallout zone, very few people would have access to adequate medical care, increasing the potential number of casualties of an attack. From studies conducted after the use of nuclear weapons against Japan we know that there would also be a severe psychological trauma for the affected population, which would further exacerbate negative health outcomes for attack victims.”
The Saudis are taking the threat seriously. In 2008, the Saudi Shura Council — comprised of an elite group making decisions for the autocratic inner circle — prepared “national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards that may affect the kingdom following experts’ warnings of possible attacks on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactors,” according to the kingdom’s leading newspaper, Okaz. In September of 2008, Israel also began preparing civilians for the inevitability of radiation exposure.
Israel and the United States are ready to accept this massive death toll and radioactive contamination in order to “send a message” to Iran. In addition to millions of initial deaths, an Israeli attack – naturally conducted with U.S. participation — would deal a death blow to the global economy and kick off a third world war (the neocons like to call this the “fourth world war,” the third being the so-called Cold War).
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Forced Vaccinations Just Around the Corner?
There is a knock at the front door. Peeking through the window, a mother sees a man and a woman, both in uniform. They are agents of health-care reform.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” says the man. “Our records show that your eleven-year-old daughter has not been immunized for genital warts.”
“And your four-year-old still needs the chicken-pox vaccine,” says the woman.
“He will not be allowed to start kindergarten unless he gets that shot, you know,” says the man—smiling from ear to ear.
“So, can we please come in?” asks the woman. “We have the vaccines right here,” she says, lifting up a black medical bag. “We can give your kids the shots right now.”
“We are from the government,” says the man, “and we’re here to help.”
Is this a scene from the over-heated imagination of an addlepated conspiracy theorist? Or is it something akin to what is actually envisioned by the health-care reform bill approved this week by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee.
The committee’s official summary of the bill says: “Authorizes a demonstration program to improve immunization coverage. Under this program, CDC will provide grants to states to improve immunization coverage of children, adolescents, and adults through the use of evidence-based interventions. States may use funds to implement interventions that are recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force, such as reminders or recalls for patients or providers, or home visits.”
Home visits? What exactly is the state going to do when it sends people to “implement interventions” in private homes designed “to improve immunization coverage of children”?
The draft of the bill posted on the committee Web site provides more details.
Title III of the bill is entitled, “Improving the Health of the American People.” It includes four subtitles. They are: “Subtitle A: Modernizing Disease Prevention of Public Health Systems,” “Subtitle B: Increasing Access to Clinical Preventive Services,” “Subtitle C: Creating Healthier Communities,” and “Subtitle D: Support for Prevention and Public Health Information.”
The program authorizing home “interventions” to promote immunizations falls under “Subtitle C: Creating Healthier Communities.” This subtitle directs the secretary of health and human services to “establish a demonstration program to award grants to states to improve the provision of recommended immunizations for children, adolescents, and adults through the use of evidence-based, population-based interventions for high-risk populations.”
The bill lists eight specific ways that states may use federal grant money to carry out immunization-promoting “interventions.” Method “E” calls for “home visits” which can include “provision of immunizations.”
Says the draft bill: “Funds received under a grant under this subsection shall be used to implement interventions that are recommended by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (as established by the secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) or other evidence-based interventions, including—“(A) providing immunization reminders or recalls for target populations of clients, patients, and consumers; (B) educating targeted populations and health care providers concerning immunizations in combination with one or more other interventions; (C) reducing out-of-pocket costs for families for vaccines and their administration; (D) carrying out immunization-promoting strategies for participants or clients of public programs, including assessments of immunization status, referrals to health care providers, education, provision of on-site immunizations, or incentives for immunization;(E) providing for home visits that promote immunization through education, assessments of need, referrals, provision of immunizations, or other services; (F) providing reminders or recalls for immunization providers;(G) conducting assessments of, and providing feedback to, immunization providers; or (H) any combination of one or more interventions described in this paragraph.”
Many vaccines routinely administered to children in the United States are utterly uncontroversial. But in recent years there have been controversies about the chicken pox vaccine and the vaccine for HPV, which causes genital warts, which can cause cervical cancer.
On March 15, 2007, Bloomberg news summarized a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which discovered that the chicken pox vaccine does not provide permanent protection against chicken pox, leaving children who have been immunized vulnerable to getting ill with the virus later in life when it can cause a more serious bout of the disease.
“Merck & Co.'s chickenpox vaccine weakens as children age, possibly leaving them vulnerable to a more serious infection as adults, a U.S.-sponsored study in California found,” reported Bloomberg. “The power of the vaccine, Varivax, the only one available in the United States against chickenpox, starts to fade after five years, according to the study in today's New England Journal of Medicine. The results suggest that children should get a second dose, which advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended in June.”
Bloomberg quoted the study as saying, "Waning immunity is of particular public health interest because it may result in increased susceptibility later in life, when the risk of severe complications may be greater than that in childhood.”
In March of this year, the Washington Post reported about the controversy sparked when the Merck pharmaceutical company campaigned to have states mandate that school girls receive Gardasil, its vaccine against HPV.
“Merck also began an ambitious marketing campaign and lobbying push to persuade states to add the vaccine to the list of those required for children to attend school,” reported the Post. “But the company eventually abandoned the strategy in the face of an intense backlash from critics who argued that the decision should be left to parents. Although many states considered such mandates, so far only Virginia and the District have imposed one, and [a Merck official] said the company has no plans to pursue that strategy again."
The Post's report noted that at least some experts questioned the wisdom of promoting use of the vaccine when its long term impact is still unknown.
“Federal health officials, Merck and others say they are confident that the vaccine is safe," reported the Post. "But some experts said they are concerned that there is insufficient evidence about how long Gardasil's protection will last, whether serious side effects will emerge and whether the relatively modest benefits for boys are worth even the small risks associated with any vaccine."
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
GET READY! It's coming: Israeli warships rehearse for Iran attack in Red Sea
Israeli warships have deployed to the Red Sea for what has been described as a rehearsal for a possible attack on Iran.
By Our Foreign Staff
Published: 2:20PM BST 16 Jul 2009
Israeli and Egyptian officials said two ships had sailed through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea.
Media reports in Israel said the two Saar-class missile ships had been sent as a "message" to the Tehran government, which has repeatedly issued threats against Israel and is developing nuclear technology believed by the West to be intended for atomic weapons programme.
While Iran denies this, saying its enrichment of uranium is for civlian purposes only, so that it can generate electricity.
Israel has also deployed a submarine using the Suez Canal, but it has since returned to the Mediterranean.
Defence experts in Israel said this week that the naval activity had been publicised with the intent of sending a message to Iran.
The Israeli government has reserved the right to carry out a first strike on Iran's nuclear facilities if the country continues to defy the international community and spreads instability in the Middle East.
Israel also accuses Iran of sponsoring the Hizbollah movement in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
Original Story:
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Moon Landing a FAKE!
It captivated millions of people around the world for eight days in the summer of 1969. It brought glory to the embattled U.S. space program and inspired beliefs that anything was possible.
Moon landing hoax theorists point to the "rippling" flag as evidence the landings were faked.
Moon landing hoax theorists point to the "rippling" flag as evidence the landings were faked.
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It's arguably the greatest technological feat of the 20th century.
And to some, it was all a lie.
Forty years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon, a small cult of conspiracy theorists maintains the historic event -- and the five subsequent Apollo moon landings -- were staged. These people believe NASA fabricated the landings to trump their Soviet rivals and fulfill President Kennedy's goal of ferrying humans safely to and from the moon by the end of the 1960s.
"I do know the moon landings were faked," said crusading filmmaker Bart Sibrel, whose aggressive interview tactics once provoked Aldrin to punch him in the face. "I'd bet my life on it."
Sibrel may seem crazy, but he has company. A 1999 Gallup poll found that a scant 6 percent of Americans doubted the Apollo 11 moon landing happened, and there is anecdotal evidence that the ranks of such conspiracy theorists, fueled by innuendo-filled documentaries and the Internet, are growing.
Don't Miss
* In Depth: Summer of 1969
* Explore the Apollo landing sites
* The 12 men who walked on the moon
* Share your moon landing memories
Twenty-five percent of respondents to a survey in the British magazine Engineering & Technology said they do not believe humans landed on the moon. A handful of Web sites and blogs circulate suspicions about NASA's "hoax."
And a Google search this week for "Apollo moon landing hoax" yielded more than 1.5 billion results.
"We love conspiracies," said Roger Launius, a senior curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington. "Going to the moon is hard to understand. And it's easier for some people to accept the answer that, 'Well, maybe we didn't go to the moon.' A lot of it is naivete."
Conspiracy theories about the Apollo missions began not long after the last astronaut returned from the moon in 1972. Bill Kaysing, a technical writer for Rocketdyne, which built rocket engines for NASA's Apollo program, published a 1974 book, "We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle."
In the book and elsewhere, Kaysing argued that NASA lacked the technology in 1969 to land humans safely on the moon, that the Apollo astronauts would have been poisoned by passing through the Van Allen radiation belts that ring the Earth and that NASA's photos from the moon contained suspicious anomalies. Video See improved NASA footage of the 1969 moonwalk »
Kaysing theorized NASA sent the Apollo 11 astronauts up in a rocket until it was out of sight, then transferred the lunar capsule and its three passengers to a military cargo plane that dropped the capsule eight days later in the Pacific, where it was recovered. In the meantime, he believed, NASA officials filmed the "moon landing" at Area 51, the high-security military base in the Nevada desert, and brainwashed the astronauts to ensure their cooperation.
Some believe Kaysing's theories inspired the 1978 movie "Capricorn One," in which NASA fakes a Mars landing on a remote military base, then goes to desperate lengths to cover it up. Others insist NASA recruited director Stanley Kubrick, hot off "2001: A Space Odyssey," to film the "faked" moon landings.
Oh, and those moon rocks? Lunar meteorites from Antarctica.
Decades later, Kaysing's beliefs formed the foundation for "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?" a sensational 2001 Fox TV documentary that spotted eerie "inconsistencies" in NASA's Apollo images and TV footage.
Among them: no blast craters are visible under the landing modules; shadows intersect instead of running parallel, suggesting the presence of an unnatural light source; and a planted American flag appears to ripple in a breeze although there's no wind on the moon.
The hour-long special sparked such interest in the topic that NASA took the unusual step of issuing a news release and posting a point-by-point rebuttal on its Web site. The press release began: "Yes. Astronauts did land on the moon."
In various documents, NASA has countered that the Apollo astronauts passed through the Van Allen belts too quickly to be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation; that the module's descent engines weren't powerful enough to leave a blast crater; that the shadows in photos were distorted by wide-angle lenses and sloping lunar terrain; and that the Apollo flags had horizontal support bars that made the flags swing.
Kaysing died in 2005, but not before grabbing the attention of Sibrel, a Nashville, Tennessee, filmmaker who has since become the most visible proponent of the Apollo hoax theories. With funding from an anonymous donor, Sibrel wrote and directed a 47-minute documentary in 2001 that reiterated many of the now-familiar hoax arguments.
Critics of moon-landing hoax theorists, and there are many, say it would be impossible for tens of thousands of NASA employees and Apollo contractors to keep such a whopping secret for almost four decades.
But Sibrel believes the Apollo program was so compartmentalized that only its astronauts and a handful of high-level NASA officials knew the entire story. Sibrel spent years ambushing Apollo astronauts and insisting they swear on a Bible before his cameras that they walked on the moon.
"When someone has gotten away with a crime, in my opinion, they deserve to be ambushed," Sibrel said. "I'm a journalist trying to get at the truth."
In an episode made infamous on YouTube, Sibrel confronted Aldrin in 2002 and called him "a coward, a liar and a thief." Aldrin, then 72, socked the thirtysomething Sibrel in the face, knocking him backwards.
"I don't want to call attention to the individuals who are trying to promote and shuffle off this hoax on people," Aldrin told CNN in a recent interview. "I feel sorry for the gullible people who're going to go along with them. I guess it's just natural human reaction to want to be a part of 'knowing something that somebody doesn't know.' But it's misguided. It's just a shame."
It's been 37 years since the last Apollo moon mission, and tens of millions of younger Americans have no memories of watching the moon landings live. A 2005-2006 poll by Mary Lynne Dittmar, a space consultant based in Houston, Texas, found that more than a quarter of Americans 18 to 25 expressed some doubt that humans set foot on the moon.
"As the number of people who were not yet born at the time of the Apollo program increases, the number of questions [about the moon landings] also may increase," NASA said in a statement. "Conspiracy theories are always difficult to refute because of the impossibility of proving a negative."
Launius, the National Air and Space Museum curator, believes Apollo conspiracy theories resonate with people who are disengaged from society and distrustful of government. He also believes their numbers are overblown.
"These diehards are really vocal, but they're really tiny," he said.
But Stuart Robbins, a Ph.D. candidate in astrophysics at the University of Colorado who gives lectures defending NASA from Apollo hoax theorists, believes their influence can be harmful.
"If people don't think we were able to go to the moon, then they don't believe in the ingenuity of human achievement," he said. "Going to the moon and returning astronauts safely back to Earth is arguably one of the most profound achievements in human history, and so when people simply believe it was a hoax, they lose out on that shared experience and doubt what humans can do."
In its information campaign against Apollo's "debunkers," NASA may have a potent ace up its sleeve, however. Its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is now circling the moon with powerful cameras, snapping crisp pictures that could reveal Apollo 11's Eagle lander squatting on the moon's surface.
Then again, conspiracy theorists may just say NASA doctored the photos.
"Will the LRO's incredibly high-resolution images of the lunar surface, including, eventually, the Apollo landing sites, finally quell the lunacy of the Moon Hoax believers? Obviously it won't," writes astronomer Phil Plait in his blog on Discover magazine's Web site. "These true believers don't live in an evidence-based world."
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Space Shuttle Mission Underway, BEWARE!
If you read my earlier blog post about Ed Dames and his prediction several years ago of a "kill shot" or a coronal mass ejection from the sun that would be presaged by a shuttle mission cut short by a meteor shower, then you, along with me, are watching the events of the Endeavor launch with great anticipation and a great deal of trepidation as well. If you are not aware of what I am talking about, please read my previous post below. It may be that Dames is completely off his rocker and that such an event will never ever occur, but I don't want to be the one to miss the news if such a harbinger of doom does present itself during one of these shuttle missions. I do know that remote viewing CAN be accurate as I have practiced it before with some success. I was shocked to see that it worked as well as it did. Dames has claimed that he and his team of operatives have honed it to a much greater degree of accuracy since its inception in the 80s and 90s when it was used by the military to spy on the Soviets. Call me paranoid, but I'll at least be ready should such an event occur. I've heard Dames say on a number of occasions that when you see this event (the shuttle mission cut short) you'll want to be in your safe place. What cannot be said is how soon after that the supposed killshot is to occur. If we look at the records of the ancients and consider that entire civilizations were seemingly buried beneath the ocean waters in just a short matter of time catching the inhabitants completely off guard, we should be no more confident that our frail civilization could withstand such a cataclysmic event either. We all know that 2012 supposedly marks a significant date on the cosmic calendar even though we cannot agree on why. As we move forward toward that date, I hope that we will all at least make some level of minimal preparation.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
U.S. Government Spying Illegal
Patrick Martin
Global Research
July 13, 2009
Reports in the American press on Friday and Saturday reveal massive illegality in the US government and intelligence apparatus. They demonstrate not only routine violations of democratic rights through illegal spying and wiretapping both at home and abroad, but also disregard for legally required reports to Congress.
According to a report Sunday in the New York Times, the CIA kept the House and Senate intelligence committees in the dark for eight years about a “secret counterterrorism program,” on the instructions of then Vice President Richard Cheney. The Times account said that the current CIA Director Leon Panetta, a former Democratic congressman, recently told both the House and Senate intelligence committees about the existence of the program and Cheney’s role in concealing it.
The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday, citing an internal study by five intelligence agency officials, that the electronic surveillance under the Bush administration “went beyond the widely publicized warrantless wiretapping program … encompassing additional secretive activities that created ‘unprecedented’ spying powers.”
This program, conducted by the National Security Agency and separate from the CIA program, “came to be known in the Bush administration as the ‘President’s Surveillance Program’,” the newspaper said. The study was conducted jointly by the Inspectors General of the Justice Department, Pentagon, CIA, Directorate of National Intelligence and National Security Agency. The unclassified version of the study, released Friday night, blacked out all details of the expanded surveillance program.
As in the case of the CIA program, the office of the vice president played a central role in enforcing secrecy and cover-up of the NSA operation. Cheney’s legal adviser and later chief of staff, David Addington, had to personally approve every government official who was to be “read in” to the program by the NSA. Addington refused to be interviewed by the Inspectors General, as did former CIA director George Tenet, former attorney general John Ashcroft, and John Yoo, the Justice Department lawyer tasked with drafting legal guidelines for the secret surveillance.
The secret CIA counterterrorism program was first made public last Wednesday night, when the House Intelligence Committee released a letter to Panetta. The letter noted Panetta’s appearance before a closed-door session of the committee on June 24, where he announced that he had just discovered the existence of the secret counterterrorism program and was shutting it down, as well as notifying Congress as required by law.
The letter demanded that Panetta retract a statement he issued May 15, in response to criticism of the CIA by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, denying that the CIA had a policy of misleading Congress. This was contradicted, they wrote, by his admission that “top CIA officials have concealed significant actions … and misled” members of Congress since 2001.
The ranking Republican member of the intelligence panel, Congressman Peter Hoekstra, made light of the program, saying, “It was on-again, off-again and never happened.” One committee Democrat, Anna G. Eshoo of California, responded, “The whole committee was stunned” by Panetta’s disclosure. “I think this is as serious as it gets.”
What was the CIA doing?
The blizzard of press reports and commentaries that have followed Panetta’s revelation—including the front-page “exposé” in Sunday’s New York Times—seem to be at least in part an exercise in damage control, if not outright disinformation, since they conceal the exact nature of the secret CIA program and downplay its actual significance.
The Times report asserts, “Intelligence and Congressional officials have said the unidentified program did not involve the CIA interrogation program [i.e., torture] and did not involve domestic intelligence activities.” It adds that the program, “never became fully operational, involving planning and some training that took place off and on from 2001 until this year.”
* A d v e r t i s e m e n t
* efoods
The Washington Post cited “two former agency officials who were familiar with the program” claiming that it “did not involve interrogations of detainees or surveillance of U.S.-based communications.” An earlier Post article (July 10) cited other unnamed “officials” declaring that the program “was an intelligence-collection activity run by the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center … It was not a covert action, which by law would have required a presidential finding and a report to Congress.”
The Associated Press, in an interview with former CIA and NSA chief Michael Hayden, quoted another “former official” declaring that CIA leaders were “‘very cautious’ in their handling of the program and that they made decisions to narrow its focus. The official said that the program fell on a continuum between foreign intelligence collection and covert action.”
It is not possible, on the basis of reports so far, to determine the exact nature of either the CIA or the NSA programs. But the close involvement of top officials of the Bush administration, including, in the case of the CIA program, Cheney’s personal role, suggests that these activities were significant and extensive.
A remark by Representative Hoekstra of Michigan, former chairman of the House intelligence committee and currently the ranking Republican, is suggestive, even chilling. He told the New York Times that Congress might have approved the secret CIA program immediately following the 9/11 attacks—“Maybe on September 12”—but not later on.
It takes some effort to imagine a counterterrorism program so invasive or extreme that the US Congress would balk. Congress approved a sweeping war powers resolution in October 2001, which effectively authorized the US invasion of Afghanistan in advance—a resolution employed by the Bush and Obama administrations as the legal justification for the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. In November 2001, Congress approved the USA Patriot Act, with only a single senator voting “no.”
In subsequent years, Congress has passed laws ratifying the Bush administration’s rejection of habeas corpus rights for Guantanamo prisoners, authorizing a system of kangaroo-court military tribunals, legalizing Bush’s illegal spying operations and immunizing telecommunications companies that helped the US intelligence agencies spy on American citizens, and most recently, barring the release of photos of US torture victims. (Obama voted in the Senate for the telecom immunity provision and has pledged to issue an executive order if needed to keep the torture photos secret.)
Congressional Democrats and Republicans have rubber-stamped all manner of police-state measures in the name of the “war on terror.” It is therefore worth asking what kind of a program was so atrocious or politically dangerous that it had to be kept secret even from the House and Senate intelligence committees.
A “state within a state”
A remarkable aspect of the revelation of the secret CIA program, passed over virtually without comment in the media coverage, is that CIA Director Panetta was not informed of the program for more than four months after he assumed nominal control of the spy agency. He was sworn in as director on February 19, but his “subordinates” did not bother to tell him of the existence of the program that had been kept secret from Congress until June 23.
This means that throughout the so-called “debate” between President Obama and former Vice President Cheney over the release of Justice Department memos justifying torture, which took place in April, Cheney was in possession of information about secret CIA operations of which the new “commander-in-chief” was ignorant.
The military/intelligence apparatus operates according to its own rules, disclosing or withholding information from its supposed civilian superiors only when it is felt politically necessary. What is being revealed—or rather only hinted at, since the key details are still shrouded in secrecy—is the existence of a “state within the state,” a secret government that continues to function regardless of the individual who inhabits the White House.
The congressional Democrats and the Obama administration are active participants in the attack on democratic rights of both the American people and the people of the world. As political representatives of big business, they rely on this state apparatus to defend their class interests no less than the Republicans and Bush before them.
It has become a truism that there is more similarity than difference between the Bush administration and the Obama administration in relation to the defense of the US intelligence apparatus and its ongoing attacks on democratic rights.
On Wednesday, Obama threatened to veto the intelligence authorization bill if it requires expanded briefings of Congress, beyond the so-called Gang of Eight, the Democratic and Republican leaders of both houses and both intelligence committees. A White House statement said the veto would be necessary to prevent “restricting an important established means by which the president protects the most sensitive intelligence activities that are carried out in the national security interests.”
The congressional Democrats claims of concern are largely play-acting, however. Senator Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, deplored the concealment of the program but claimed that it represented no threat to civil liberties.
The struggle to defend democratic rights and to defeat the reactionary conspiracies of the US intelligence agencies must be taken up by the working class. Working people must raise the demand for the full exposure of all the covert operations of the CIA, NSA and other US intelligence agencies, and for the prosecution of all those officials responsible for authorizing and directing them.
This includes bringing to justice officials like Cheney, Bush and other top government officials who have been directly linked to crimes of spying, torture, kidnapping, secret detention without trial and mass murder.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Patrick Martin
Global Research
July 13, 2009
Reports in the American press on Friday and Saturday reveal massive illegality in the US government and intelligence apparatus. They demonstrate not only routine violations of democratic rights through illegal spying and wiretapping both at home and abroad, but also disregard for legally required reports to Congress.
According to a report Sunday in the New York Times, the CIA kept the House and Senate intelligence committees in the dark for eight years about a “secret counterterrorism program,” on the instructions of then Vice President Richard Cheney. The Times account said that the current CIA Director Leon Panetta, a former Democratic congressman, recently told both the House and Senate intelligence committees about the existence of the program and Cheney’s role in concealing it.
The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday, citing an internal study by five intelligence agency officials, that the electronic surveillance under the Bush administration “went beyond the widely publicized warrantless wiretapping program … encompassing additional secretive activities that created ‘unprecedented’ spying powers.”
This program, conducted by the National Security Agency and separate from the CIA program, “came to be known in the Bush administration as the ‘President’s Surveillance Program’,” the newspaper said. The study was conducted jointly by the Inspectors General of the Justice Department, Pentagon, CIA, Directorate of National Intelligence and National Security Agency. The unclassified version of the study, released Friday night, blacked out all details of the expanded surveillance program.
As in the case of the CIA program, the office of the vice president played a central role in enforcing secrecy and cover-up of the NSA operation. Cheney’s legal adviser and later chief of staff, David Addington, had to personally approve every government official who was to be “read in” to the program by the NSA. Addington refused to be interviewed by the Inspectors General, as did former CIA director George Tenet, former attorney general John Ashcroft, and John Yoo, the Justice Department lawyer tasked with drafting legal guidelines for the secret surveillance.
The secret CIA counterterrorism program was first made public last Wednesday night, when the House Intelligence Committee released a letter to Panetta. The letter noted Panetta’s appearance before a closed-door session of the committee on June 24, where he announced that he had just discovered the existence of the secret counterterrorism program and was shutting it down, as well as notifying Congress as required by law.
The letter demanded that Panetta retract a statement he issued May 15, in response to criticism of the CIA by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, denying that the CIA had a policy of misleading Congress. This was contradicted, they wrote, by his admission that “top CIA officials have concealed significant actions … and misled” members of Congress since 2001.
The ranking Republican member of the intelligence panel, Congressman Peter Hoekstra, made light of the program, saying, “It was on-again, off-again and never happened.” One committee Democrat, Anna G. Eshoo of California, responded, “The whole committee was stunned” by Panetta’s disclosure. “I think this is as serious as it gets.”
What was the CIA doing?
The blizzard of press reports and commentaries that have followed Panetta’s revelation—including the front-page “exposé” in Sunday’s New York Times—seem to be at least in part an exercise in damage control, if not outright disinformation, since they conceal the exact nature of the secret CIA program and downplay its actual significance.
The Times report asserts, “Intelligence and Congressional officials have said the unidentified program did not involve the CIA interrogation program [i.e., torture] and did not involve domestic intelligence activities.” It adds that the program, “never became fully operational, involving planning and some training that took place off and on from 2001 until this year.”
* A d v e r t i s e m e n t
* efoods
The Washington Post cited “two former agency officials who were familiar with the program” claiming that it “did not involve interrogations of detainees or surveillance of U.S.-based communications.” An earlier Post article (July 10) cited other unnamed “officials” declaring that the program “was an intelligence-collection activity run by the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center … It was not a covert action, which by law would have required a presidential finding and a report to Congress.”
The Associated Press, in an interview with former CIA and NSA chief Michael Hayden, quoted another “former official” declaring that CIA leaders were “‘very cautious’ in their handling of the program and that they made decisions to narrow its focus. The official said that the program fell on a continuum between foreign intelligence collection and covert action.”
It is not possible, on the basis of reports so far, to determine the exact nature of either the CIA or the NSA programs. But the close involvement of top officials of the Bush administration, including, in the case of the CIA program, Cheney’s personal role, suggests that these activities were significant and extensive.
A remark by Representative Hoekstra of Michigan, former chairman of the House intelligence committee and currently the ranking Republican, is suggestive, even chilling. He told the New York Times that Congress might have approved the secret CIA program immediately following the 9/11 attacks—“Maybe on September 12”—but not later on.
It takes some effort to imagine a counterterrorism program so invasive or extreme that the US Congress would balk. Congress approved a sweeping war powers resolution in October 2001, which effectively authorized the US invasion of Afghanistan in advance—a resolution employed by the Bush and Obama administrations as the legal justification for the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. In November 2001, Congress approved the USA Patriot Act, with only a single senator voting “no.”
In subsequent years, Congress has passed laws ratifying the Bush administration’s rejection of habeas corpus rights for Guantanamo prisoners, authorizing a system of kangaroo-court military tribunals, legalizing Bush’s illegal spying operations and immunizing telecommunications companies that helped the US intelligence agencies spy on American citizens, and most recently, barring the release of photos of US torture victims. (Obama voted in the Senate for the telecom immunity provision and has pledged to issue an executive order if needed to keep the torture photos secret.)
Congressional Democrats and Republicans have rubber-stamped all manner of police-state measures in the name of the “war on terror.” It is therefore worth asking what kind of a program was so atrocious or politically dangerous that it had to be kept secret even from the House and Senate intelligence committees.
A “state within a state”
A remarkable aspect of the revelation of the secret CIA program, passed over virtually without comment in the media coverage, is that CIA Director Panetta was not informed of the program for more than four months after he assumed nominal control of the spy agency. He was sworn in as director on February 19, but his “subordinates” did not bother to tell him of the existence of the program that had been kept secret from Congress until June 23.
This means that throughout the so-called “debate” between President Obama and former Vice President Cheney over the release of Justice Department memos justifying torture, which took place in April, Cheney was in possession of information about secret CIA operations of which the new “commander-in-chief” was ignorant.
The military/intelligence apparatus operates according to its own rules, disclosing or withholding information from its supposed civilian superiors only when it is felt politically necessary. What is being revealed—or rather only hinted at, since the key details are still shrouded in secrecy—is the existence of a “state within the state,” a secret government that continues to function regardless of the individual who inhabits the White House.
The congressional Democrats and the Obama administration are active participants in the attack on democratic rights of both the American people and the people of the world. As political representatives of big business, they rely on this state apparatus to defend their class interests no less than the Republicans and Bush before them.
It has become a truism that there is more similarity than difference between the Bush administration and the Obama administration in relation to the defense of the US intelligence apparatus and its ongoing attacks on democratic rights.
On Wednesday, Obama threatened to veto the intelligence authorization bill if it requires expanded briefings of Congress, beyond the so-called Gang of Eight, the Democratic and Republican leaders of both houses and both intelligence committees. A White House statement said the veto would be necessary to prevent “restricting an important established means by which the president protects the most sensitive intelligence activities that are carried out in the national security interests.”
The congressional Democrats claims of concern are largely play-acting, however. Senator Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, deplored the concealment of the program but claimed that it represented no threat to civil liberties.
The struggle to defend democratic rights and to defeat the reactionary conspiracies of the US intelligence agencies must be taken up by the working class. Working people must raise the demand for the full exposure of all the covert operations of the CIA, NSA and other US intelligence agencies, and for the prosecution of all those officials responsible for authorizing and directing them.
This includes bringing to justice officials like Cheney, Bush and other top government officials who have been directly linked to crimes of spying, torture, kidnapping, secret detention without trial and mass murder.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
UFO Mystery Revealed in Britain
For years, Britain’s biggest UFO mystery had been kept under wraps, but now an Air Force official has admitted that an “extra-terrestrial” craft did visit the air base at Rendlesham Forest in 1980.
Former Deputy Base Commander Col Charles Halt claimed that even though the incident was later covered up, “extra-terrestrials” had been the cause of the close encounter in Suffolk.
Halt had led a group of airmen who reported seeing a triangular UFO taking off into the air, leaving traces of radiation behind.
“The UFOs I saw were structured machines moving under intelligent control and operating beyond the realm of anything I have ever seen before or since,” the Daily Star quoted Col Halt, now retired, as telling investigator Gary Heseltine.
“I believe the objects that I saw at close quarters were extra-terrestrial in origin,” he said.
He added that the Air Force later issued “dis-information” to throw the public off the scent.
His comments were hailed as “sensational” by former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope.
“This may help us to finally solve Britain’s biggest UFO mystery,” Pope said.
“It blows the MoD’s line that these events had ‘no defence significance’ out of the water,” he added. (ANI)
Original text of the story found at:
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 3:09 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
All eyes on the Space Shuttle Mission Please
Space shuttle Endeavor is set to launch tomorrow, July 13, and return from its mission on July 29, 2009. So why is this mission possibly so important? At a time when there seems to be a major confluence of events, this particular mission could be of cosmic significance for all of humanity. In fact, each mission could, in fact, be the last if the prediction made several years ago by Major Ed Dames, ex-military remote viewer, comes true:
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Israel to Strike Iran?
I had a dream a couple of years ago that Israel launched a preemptive strike on Iran to take out their nuclear facilities. That dream still haunts me today, especially with the latest news that the Israeli Air Force is beginning to run practice exercises for just such an occasion. In my dream, this even was to signal the beginning of the end, or at least a the beginning of a very bad and prolonged period of hell in human history. It is believed pilots will be trained for long-range flights as a precautionary measure against possible Iranian attacks and in test-runs for potential strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.
Interestingly enough, these exercises are going to be practiced in conjunction with U.S. NATO forces. The U.S. has always been a strong supporter of Israel and I don't expect that to change any time soon.
In any case, Joe Biden's insistence that the U.S. would not stand in the way of such action should be a strong indication that Israel has the green light to move forward:
Biden stated that “The US cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do. Israel can determine for itself – it’s a sovereign nation – what’s in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he would prefer to see Iran’s nuclear program stopped through diplomacy, but has not ruled out a military strike. Given the area's history of violence and the irreconcilable differences between the Jewish and Muslim worldview, I believe this even to be inevitable.
There is a much larger story at hand here. Future posts will continue to unravel what the future may hold.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 9:01 PM 1 comments
The Coming Global Disaster
Lately it seems as if every event reported on the news is somehow related to a larger story. Yes, even the Michael Jackson drama may somehow be interconnected to a much larger plot that the average Joe just isn't really privy to, nor are they really thinking much about it anyway. Our job here at the PNN is to try to piece some of this puzzle together by making sense of how these disparate threads of news all seem to fit together. Whether you look at things from a biblical perspective or whether you are someone who simply believes that the world is "out of whack", this is the place for you to keep up with the events that effect you the most.
Posted by The Paranormal Blogger at 8:48 PM 4 comments